Custom comand execution with Zabbix and SNMP

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With Zabbix, you can as well as with Nagios check custom scripts and check them via SNMP. Then you can create a trigger which checks the output of the SNMP comand that gets executed.

1 configure snmpd

1.1 /etc/snmpd.conf

rouser          safereader auth
rwuser          safewriter priv 

rocommunity     ***xxx***
rocommunity     ***xxx***
rocommunity     ***xxx***   localhost

exec fs-root-rw /bin/sh -c "echo > /zabbix_fs_test >/dev/null && echo ROOT-OK"
exec fs-opt-rw /bin/sh -c "echo > /opt/zabbix_fs_test >/dev/null && echo OPT-OK"

1.2 configure the check files

root@mail:/etc/snmp# systemctl restart snmpd
root@mail:/etc/snmp# ps -ef | grep snmp
Debian-+ 15548     1  0 20:10 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/snmpd -Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u Debian-snmp -g Debian-snmp -I -smux mteTrigger mteTriggerConf -f

root@mail:/etc/snmp# getent passwd | grep -i Debi

root@mail:/etc/snmp# touch /zabbix_fs_test /opt/zabbix_fs_test ; chown Debian-snmp /opt/zabbix_fs_test /zabbix_fs_test ; chmod 700 /opt/zabbix_fs_test /zabbix_fs_test
root@mail:/etc/snmp# snmpwalk -v2c -O n -c '***l0cal***' localhost .
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: "fs-root-rw"
. = STRING: "fs-opt-rw"
. = STRING: "/bin/sh -c \"echo > /zabbix_fs_test >/dev/null && echo ROOT-OK\""
. = STRING: "/bin/sh -c \"echo > /opt/zabbix_fs_test >/dev/null && echo OPT-OK\""
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = ""
. = ""

root@mail:/etc/snmp# chmod 000 /opt/zabbix_fs_test
root@mail:/etc/snmp# snmpwalk -v2c -O n -c '***l0cal***' localhost .
. = INTEGER: 1
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: "fs-root-rw"
. = STRING: "fs-opt-rw"
. = STRING: "/bin/sh -c \"echo > /zabbix_fs_test >/dev/null && echo ROOT-OK\""
. = STRING: "/bin/sh -c \"echo > /opt/zabbix_fs_test >/dev/null && echo OPT-OK\""
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 2
. = STRING: "/bin/sh: 1: cannot create /opt/zabbix_fs_test: Permission denied"
. = INTEGER: 0
. = INTEGER: 0
. = ""
. = ""

root@mail:/etc/snmp# touch /zabbix_fs_test /opt/zabbix_fs_test ; chown Debian-snmp /opt/zabbix_fs_test /zabbix_fs_test ; chmod 700 /opt/zabbix_fs_test /zabbix_fs_test

2 Zabbix Config

2.1 Create Check

  • Zabbix > Configuration > Hosts > xxx > Items > Create

2.2 Create Trigger

  • Zabbix > Configuration > Hosts > xxx > Triggers > Create

2.3 Test

  • test alert with the chmod cmd above