CentOS8 CheatSheet fuer System Administratoren
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1 System
1.1 Hardware
- Show hardware details
- show bios hardware details
1.2 Disk/Filesystem
- Show block uage of mounted disks
df -hP
- Show inode uage of mounted disks
df -hiP
- show how blockdevices are configured in system
- get 10 biggest files in current dir
du -sm * .[^\.]* | sort -n | tail
- use ncdu to find large files
dnf -y install epel-release dnf config-manager --enable epel dnf -y install ncdu ncdu -x / #replace / with needed mountpoint
1.3 Memory
- Show memory statistics
free -th
- Top provides memory information as well
1.4 CPU
- show system load (1m, 5m, 15m)
- detailed realtime statictics of procs, memory, swap, io, system, cpu
vmstat 1
1.5 Processes
- tui process manager
- show processes with tree
ps -f fax
- detailed process information
ps -faxo ruser,ppid,pid,rss,vsz,pcpu,tty,args
1.6 Network
- show ip config
ip a
- show wan ip
curl ifconfig.me
- confgure network settings
- activate changed network settings
nmcli connection reload nmcli device reapply <nic name> # or just reboot the host
1.6.1 SUDO: User als admin erstellen
useradd admin passwd admin id admin usermod -a -G wheel admin id admin su - admin # jetzt bist du als admin eingeloggt sudo service chronyd restart # das geht nur als root user (sudo rechte erteilt)
2 Services
- list all services
systemctl list-units --type service
- List failed services on boot
systemctl --failed
- show all running services
systemctl --all --state=running
- show detailed service status
systemctl status <svc-name>
- most common service handling
systemctl [start|stop|restart|status|enable|disable|mask] <svc-name>
- check if service is enabled to autostart after reboot
systemctl is-enabled <svc-name>
3 SELinux
- show SELinux status
- disable SELinux (not persistent)
setenforce 0
- change SELinux mode (reboot needed)
vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
- show selinux alerts and recomendations
sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log
4 Firewalling
- show firewalling status
systemctl list-units --runtime | egrep 'firewall|tables'
- show active iptables rules
- show loaded nftables rules
nft list ruleset
4.1 disable firewalling for testing
- check which kind of firewall is running on the system
systemctl list-units --runtime | egrep 'firewall|tables'
- temporary disable ALL firewall rules (will reaper after reboot)
systemctl stop firewalld nftables iptables
- test now if it works
- restart all services that where running before testing (or just reboot)
systemctl start <svc-name>
5 Scheduling
5.1 cron (user/system)
- cron overview
tail -n +1 /etc/crontab /etc/cron.*/* /var/spool/cron/*
- edit crontab of user
crontab -e -u root
- show crontab of user
crontab -l -u bob
6 at (one time)
- create job
at 22:00 30.12.13
- list jobs
- remove job
atrm <id>
7 systemd (user/system)
- list timers
systemctl list-units --type timer
- show configuration of timer
systemctl show <name>
- get timer status
systemctl status <name>
8 Events
8.1 Show last boots
journalctl --list-boots last reboot
8.2 Journal
- Show log since last boot
journalctl -b
- Kernel messages (like dmesg)
journalctl -k
- Show latest log and wait for changes
journalctl -f
- Reverse output (newest first)
journalctl -r
- Show only errors and worse
journalctl -b -p err
- Filter on time (example)
journalctl --since=2014-06-00 --until="2014-06-07 12:00:00"
- Since yesterday
journalctl --since=yesterday
- Show only log of SERVICE
journalctl -u SERVICE
- Match executable, e.g. dhclient
journalctl /usr/sbin/dhclient
- Match device node, e.g. /dev/sda
journalctl /dev/sda
8.3 Log Files
- tail all currently open text files
lsof -F | sed '/^n\//!d;s/^n//;s/ .*//' | sort -u | xargs file | grep ' text$' | cut -d: -f1 | xargs tail -fn0
- tail all files under /var/log
tail -f -n0 /var/log/* /var/log/*/*
9 Software
install package and deps
dnf install httpd
remove package and deps
dnf remove php-mysql
update entire system and deps
dnf upgrade
update one package without question
dnf -y update httpd
clean package cache
dnf clean all
search for name in package-name and description
dnf search gstream
search for name in package-name
dnf list '*http*'
search for package which provides this comand
dnf provides '*fortune'
list all package groups
dnf grouplist
install package group
dnf groupinstall XFCE
remove package group
dnf remove "PostgreSQL Database"
downgrade package
dnf --showduplicates list samba-common dnf downgrade package1 package2
10 Debugging
10.1 repeat comand
watch df -hP
10.2 network bandwith monitoring
dnf -y install epel-release dnf -y install iftop iftop
10.3 Dstat performance monitoring
dnf -y install pcp-system-tools dstat -af dstat -cdngy dstat -f -M time,cpu,net,disk,sys,swap,page,load,proc,topcpu --output $(date '+%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M')-dstat.csv dstat -cdngymsp --lock --tcp --output $(date '+%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M')-dstat.csv
10.4 Enter debug shell (reset root password)
- Reboot the machine
- When grub kernel selection is showing up, press e
- At the end of the line with beginning linux remove the "rhgb quiet" (on the end)
- At the end of the line with beginning linux add init=/bin/bash
- At the line beginning linux replace the ro with rw
- Press CTRL + x to boot into this settings
- Now system boots into single shell process instead of full linux env
- Now you can reset the password or debug the system
- hints:
su - # load full bash config
- change keyboard layout
loadkeys sg #swiss german loadkeys us #forbidden :-)
- network config files
ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*
- selinux config (disable/enable)
vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
- reset all selinux tags on next boot (relabel)
touch /.autorelabel
- force filesystem check on next boot
touch /.forcefsck
- force manual reboot
sync reboot -f
10.5 strace examples (process tracing)
strace -ff -e trace=write -e write=1,2 -p SOME_PID strace -e open ls strace -e trace=open,read ls /home strace -o output.txt ls strace -f -p 1725 -o firefox_trace.txt # f: follow process strace -t -e open ls /home #timestamp strace -c ls /home # statistics strace -f -t -e trace=file systemctl restart SuSEfirewall2 2>&1 | grep open | cut -d'"' -f2
10.6 SOS Report (Log Bundle)
This collects a log bundle which can be used for later debugging and analyzing.
Start this BEFORE you try to repair or change something, as well do not forget to snapshot/backup System/Application before debugging.
dnf -y install sos sosreport cp -av /var/tmp/sosreport* /root/