Install Guacamole - HTML5 RDP Gateway

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1 general

  • guacamole is a great way to present windows apps and desktops to the internet.

You have only one https port open to the internet and the application is working pretty nice and fast.

You can install Ansible on a separated control node as well, then you need to configure ansible target host with ssh keys.
For that, you can look into my ansible course at

2 install

  • do this steps as root user

2.1 setup ansible

yum  makecache
yum -y upgrade
curl -L | bash

2.2 prepare ansible role

ansible-galaxy install joe-speedboat.guacamole
ansible-galaxy install joe-speedboat.mariadb
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix community.mysql community.general

vim /etc/ansible/playbooks/install_guacamole.yml
- hosts: localhost
  become: True
    mariadb_user_password: '.change-this_000.'
    mariadb_root_password: '.change-this_111.'
  - dnf:
      name: firewalld
  - systemd:
      name: firewalld
      state: started
      enabled: True
  - firewalld:
      service: https
      permanent: true
      state: enabled
  - systemd:
      name: firewalld
      state: restarted
      enabled: True
  - joe-speedboat.guacamole

2.3 fire

ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/playbooks/install_guacamole.yml

2.4 remove ansible

  • if not needed anymore
  • note passwords from setup above as needed
dnf -y remove ansible-core
rm -rfv /etc/ansible
rm -rf $HOME/.ansible

2.5 Test

  • user: guacadmin
  • password: guacadmin