VCO 6.2 Reference Card

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1 vRealize Orchestrator Notes

this notes are based on vCO 6.2

2 find important resources

2.1 get vcacHost / infrastructureHost / IaaSHost

var vcacHost = Server.findAllForType("vCAC:VCACHost")[0];

2.2 get cafe host

var cafeHost = Server.findAllForType("vCACCAFE:VCACHost", "vCAC-CAFE")[0];

3 translate VM objects

3.1 get cafeVm by name

var cafeVm = vCACCAFEEntitiesFinder.findCatalogResources(cafeHost,[0]; 

3.2 get vcacVm by vcVm

var vcacVm=Server.findAllForType("vCAC:VirtualMachine", "IsDeleted eq false and ExternalReferenceId eq '" + + "'"[0]);
// var vcacVm= Server.findAllForType("vCAC:VirtualMachine", "ExternalReferenceId eq '" + + "'")[0];
// var vcacVm=Server.findAllForType("vCAC:VirtualMachine", "ExternalReferenceId eq '" + vcVm.config.instanceUuid + "'")[0];

3.3 get vcVm by vcacVm

var sdkConnections = VcPlugin.allSdkConnections;
System.log(sdkConnections.length + " sdk Connections found...");
for each (var sdkConnection in sdkConnections) {
  try {
  vCenterVm = sdkConnection.searchIndex.findByUuid(null, vCACVm.vmUniqueID, true, false);
  } catch(e) {System.log("Error for SDK connection " + + " : " + e);}
  if (vCenterVm != null) {
  System.log("Resolved vCenter VM " +;
  return vCenterVm;

3.4 find vm type for later case decision

var vmType = null;
var vcacVm = new vCACVirtualMachine() ;
vcacVm=Server.findAllForType("vCAC:VirtualMachine", "IsDeleted eq false and ExternalReferenceId eq '" + + "'")[0];

if (vcVm.config.template == true){ 
	vmType = "VcTemplate";
	System.log(" is VcTemplate");

if(vcacVm != null && vmType == null){ // only search for managed flag if vcacVm is found (avoid error)
	if (vcacVm.isManaged == true){
		vmType = "vCACVirtualMachine";
		System.log(vcacVm.displayName+" is vCACVirtualMachine");

if(vmType == null){ 
	vmType = "VcVirtualMachine";
	System.log(" is VcVirtualMachine");

3.5 get owner of vcacVm(cafeVm)

var cafeVmOwnerName=cafeVM.getOwners()[0].getValue();
var cafeVmOwnerAccount=cafeVM.getOwners()[0].getRef();

4 vRA/vCAC VM examples

4.1 update property of vCAC virtual machine action

var prop="org.domain.monitoring.sla";
var val="7x24";
var vcacHost=Server.findAllForType("vCAC:VCACHost")[0];
var vcacVM=
actionResult = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcac").addUpdatePropertyFromVirtualMachineEntity(vcacHost, vcacVM.getEntity(),prop,val,false,false,false,false);
return actionResult;

4.2 read property of vCAC virtual machine

var vcVm=
var vcVmName =;
var vcacHost = Server.findAllForType("vCAC:VCACHost")[0];
var vcVmProperty="bitbull.monitoring.sla";
var vcVmPropertyValue = null;
System.log("vcVm.config.instanceUuid : " + vcVm.config.instanceUuid);
var vcacVMEntity = System.getModule("com.vmware.library.vcac").getVirtualMachineByExternalRefId(vcacHost, vcVm.config.instanceUuid);
var properties = vcacVMEntity.getLink(vcacHost, "VirtualMachineProperties");
for(var i = 0 ;i < properties.length; i++){
   var PropertyName = properties[i].getProperty("PropertyName");
   var PropertyValue = properties[i].getProperty("PropertyValue");
   if(PropertyName == vcVmProperty){
      vcVmPropertyValue = PropertyValue;
      System.log("found "+vcVmProperty+" : "+vcVmPropertyValue);

4.3 get vcacVm properties

var entity = vCACVm.getEntity();
var managed = entity.getProperty("IsManaged");
	var currentVMName = entity.getProperty("VirtualMachineName");
	vcacVmProperties = new Properties();
	var virtualMachinePropertiesEntities = entity.getLink(vcacHost, "VirtualMachineProperties");
	for each (var virtualMachinePropertiesEntity in virtualMachinePropertiesEntities) {
		var propertyName = virtualMachinePropertiesEntity.getProperty("PropertyName");
		var propertyValue = virtualMachinePropertiesEntity.getProperty("PropertyValue");
		System.log("Found property " + propertyName + " = " + propertyValue);
		vcacVmProperties.put(propertyName, propertyValue);
emailAddress = vcacVmProperties.get("");
serviceLevel = vcacVmProperties.get("dd.backup.levels");
userLogin = vcacVmProperties.get("__Legacy.Workflow.User");

5 vCenter VM examples

5.1 vcVm esxi host

hostSystem =;

5.2 vcVm cluster

computeResource =;

5.3 vcVm resource pool

resourcePool =;

5.4 vcVm parent folder name

vcVmFolderName =;

5.5 get vcVms by regex

var vmPattern="[a-z]{5}[0-9][3]"
var allVms = VcPlugin.getAllVirtualMachines();
 var foundVms = new Array();
// Check if the VM match the regexp
for (var i in allVms) {
   if (allVms[i].name.match(vmPattern)) {
      System.log("found Vm: "+allVms[i].name);
return foundVms;

5.6 push vm into bios next boot

var spec = new VcVirtualMachineConfigSpec() ;
spec.bootOptions= new VcVirtualMachineBootOptions() ;
spec.bootOptions.enterBIOSSetup = true;

6 file handling

6.1 write file

var tempDir = System.getTempDirectory() ;
var fileWriter = new FileWriter(tempDir + "/readme.txt") ;
System.log(tempDir + "/readme.txt"); ; 
fileWriter.writeLine("File written at : "+new Date()) ; 
fileWriter.writeLine("Another line") ; 
fileWriter.close() ;

6.2 read file

var tempDir = System.getTempDirectory() ;
var fileReader = new FileReader(tempDir + "/readme.txt") ; ; 
var fileContentAsString = fileReader.readAll(); 
fileReader.close() ;

7 time

7.1 get date

var date = new Date(),
  mm=(date.getMonth() < 10 ? "0" : "") + (date.getMonth()+1);
  dd=(date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.getDate();
  HH=(date.getHours() < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.getHours();
  MM=(date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.getMinutes();

8 helpers

8.1 find type of object

function typeOf (obj) {
  return {}' ')[1].slice(0, -1);